As the title says avoid common money mistakes, every sign has a financial week spot. Find out how you can avoid the most common mistakes of your astrological sun sign and learn to make positive changes in all your money matters.
AriesYou can be impulsive Aries, taking risks with your finances that may not always pay off. The more you take others’ opinions and advice into account when making financial decisions, the better.
TaurusStable, dependable Bull, you understand how to hang on to money better than almost any other sign in the zodiac. If you want to take your money wisdom up a notch, generosity is key. In the long run, sharing will only make you enjoy it more.
Flighty Gemini’s can have a hard time making regular deposits into a savings account. Try to set up an automatic withdrawal system from your checking to a savings. You’ll also benefit by reminding yourself what goal you’re trying to achieve.
CancerFamily-oriented Cancer wants to take care of everyone else, which may not leave much at the end of the day. Before you give your money away to loved ones, make sure you’ve got some stashed away for yourself.
LeoYou love luxury, Leo, and your bank balance probably reflects this. Try to find creative ways to indulge that don’t involve going into debt. Explore alternatives (sale items, specials, off-season) to the expensive pleasures you normally enjoy.
VirgoYou tend to take on work that doesn’t pay a living wage, simply to help people. Try to make sure you’re serving yourself first so you can better serve others.
LibraYour love of beauty can cause you to go into debt, so try to find less expensive ways to bring beauty into your life, besides buying clothes, makeup and art.
ScorpioYou have a powerful ability to generate funds, but you can get caught up in power struggles with others. Keep your emotions out of financial dealings and express your feelings elsewhere.
SaggitariusAs adventurous with your finances as you are with everything else, when you spend, you spend big. Make sure you have done your homework before you make major purchases.
CapricornYour practical nature rarely messes up when it comes to money, but you can make mistakes -- such as when you confuse money with love! Remember that feelings and finances can get mixed up, and try to be sensitive to others’ concerns.
AquariusYour way of handling money is, like you, probably a little offbeat. You may spend more on the latest gadget than you do on daily practical needs. Bring this into balance by paying off bills before you head to your favorite store.
PiscesYour compassionate and trusting nature can be easily fooled when it comes to money matters, so it serves you to get all the facts before you make any major purchasing decisions. Either that or bring a Virgo along with you!